Digital Marketing For Orthopedic Doctors
“Into whatsoever houses I enter, I will enter to help the sick. I will abstain from all intentional wrong-doing and harm.” Attributed to Hippocrates, c 400 BCE.

Hip & Knee Replacements
Hip, Knee, Shoulder, Spine, Hand, Elbow, Feet – Major Surgery Patients

More Profitable Patients
Loads Of Patients Via Digital Marketing

Wounded Weekend Warriors
Weekend Warriors Can Be Profitable Patients
Helping Orthopedic Doctors and Orthopedic Surgeons win more profitable patients is what we are truly good at. Google search is especially important for the Orthopedic sector due to the immediate, emergency nature of many of the procedures.

“Rocket Science Web may be an amusing name, but my laughter turned to delight when the new patients started arriving. I’ve tried so many digital marketing agencies, with little success. Within two weeks, Rocket Science Web had delivered more verified new business, for smaller monthly payments, than the previous company had delivered in four months.”
Dr. Michael Rieber, Clinical Chief of Orthopedics, St. Barnabas Medical Center, Livingston, NJ
Being engineers, we love taking failed campaigns, analyzing why they failed, based on real-world data and making them sing. Our marketers first find out the exact type of patients needed and laser-focuses on them. Then, our proprietary systems, coupled with Google’s extraordinary A. I. (artificial intelligence), social media marketing and website optimization, enable you to win the more profitable patient, be it hip, or knee transplants, shoulder repairs, spine, hand, feet or elbow problems. Acquiring wounded weekend warriors is important to many Orthopedic doctors, so we know how to target this demographic. We also know that patient insurance is a big challenge and we work with you to make the best of this issue.

Our dashboard will verify leads as they come in, be they phone calls, appointments, form fills or live web chat and how they were generated, leaving you in no doubt as to their source. Call us today and let our Rocket Science Web team blast you into digital marketing space.