Digital Marketing for Attorneys
Successful Societies Need A Strong Legal System
Personal Injury Attorneys
Very Expensive Clicks, Very Lucrative Returns
Divorce Attorneys
Loads Of Clients
Via Digital Marketing
Trusts and Estates Attorneys
Very Popular On Google Search
Helping attorneys to win more profitable clients is what we do. Digital marketing for the legal profession is challenging since so much of a lawyer’s business is based on referral and personal networking. Nevertheless, digital marketing offers law firms real opportunities for direct client acquisition as well as the creation of awareness and top of mind.

The cost per click on Google ads in certain legal sectors can be astronomically high, up to $70 per click. That’s why RSW truly has to be at the top of our game in utilizing all digital marketing tools. One of our main go-to tools is Google’s A.I. (artificial intelligence), which allows us to obtain better clients for our clients, for far less money. To further lower the costs and improve results, we also utilize Google Display, YouTube, Bing and Social Media Marketing platforms, all of which are great awareness generators, but sometimes client winners in their own right.
As always, all results, including clicks, leads and client acquisition are tracked, R.O.I. (return on investment) is calculated and optimized by source. We are especially experienced and successful with Personal Injury, Divorce, Trusts and Estates, Employment, Corporate, Intellectual Property and International Law. RSW can effectively manage the digital marketing for all types of attorneys.
When all is said and done, we know it’s about bringing in the Benjamins and that’s our focus for your law firm. Call us today and see how we can help you improve and expand your legal practice through digital marketing.